
VDH statement on the proposed EU regulation

The VDH has commented in detail on the current EU proposal for a regulation on animal welfare for dogs and cats and their traceability.

Position paper on animal welfare questions

The VDH has published a position paper regarding different animal welfare topics as registration of dogs, fighting illegal puppy trade or the introduction of an obligatory proof of expertise for dog breeders. The position paper is currently only available in German language.

New rules for dog kennels – interview with Dr. Ariane Volpert

Housing dogs in small boxes over longer periods of time is forbidden according to the Animal Protection Dog Ordinance of course. Still, dog kennels can be useful under some circumstances and for shorter periods of time, according to Dr. Ariane Volpert, Veterinarian and Small Animal Specialist. Important facts about the correct use of dog kennels are found in her interview in our club magazine “Unser Rassehund”.

Tests to check for the presence of the Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)

  1. The treadmill-based VDH-Fitnesstest, which can be used in different brachycephalic breeds.
  2. The Respiratory Function Grading Scheme of the University of Cambridge, which can be used in Bulldogs, French Bulldogs and Pugs.

Further information and veterinarians performing the tests (in German language)


Expert statement regarding the use of dog kennels for short time periods

The Animal Protection Dog Ordinance orders an area of at least 6 m² for housing dogs in separate room sections. This is a sensible ruling for the permanent housing of dogs. Still, there are different opinions regarding the use of these rules for the temporary accommodation in kennels on dog shows and during dog sports events. A detailed assessment of this topic is given by Prof. Irena Czycholl, lecturer at the animal welfare institute of the university of Copenhagen and specialist for animal behavior.